書名 | 作者 | 出版年 | 查看 | 回報錯誤連結 |
End-to-End Quality of Service Over Heterogeneous Networks |
Torsten Braun ... [et al.]. |
2008 |
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Emerging technologies in computing :Third EAI International Conference, iCETiC 2020, London, UK, August 19-20, 2020 : proceedings / |
Mahdi H. Miraz, Peter S. Excell, Andrew Ware, Safeeullah Soomro, Maaruf Ali. |
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Beginning Kubernetes on the Google Cloud Platform :a guide to automating application deployment, scaling, and management / |
Ernesto Garbarino. |
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Smarter homes:how technology will change your home life / |
Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino. |
2018 |
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Unraveling Bluetooth LE audio :stretching the limits of interoperable wireless audio with Bluetooth next-generation low energy audio standards / |
Himanshu Bhalla, Oren Haggai. |
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Construction, operation and maintenance of network system(junior level) / |
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. |
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Data communications and network technologies / |
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. |
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Blockchain technology and emerging technologies :second EAI International Conference, BlockTEA 2022, virtual event, November 21-22, 2022 : proceedings / |
Weizhi Meng, Wenjuan Li. |
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Big data technologies and applications :11th and 12th EAI International Conference, BDTA 2021 and BDTA 2022, virtual event, December 2021 and 2022 : proceedings / |
Rui Hou, Huan Huang, Deze Zeng, Guisong Xia, Kareem Kamal A. Ghany, Hossam M. Zawbaa. |
回報問題連結 |
Effective software development for the enterprise :beyond domain driven design, software architecture, and extreme programming / |
Tengiz Tutisani. |
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IoT as a service :5th EAI International Conference, IoTaaS 2019, Xi'an, China, November 16-17, 2019 : proceedings / |
Bo Li, Jie Zheng, Yong Fang, Mao Yang, Zhongjiang Yan. |
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Visual Studio extensibility development :extending Visual Studio IDE for productivity, quality, tooling, and analysis / |
Rishabh Verma. |
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On the way to the web:the secret history of the internet and its founders / |
Michael A. Banks. |
2008 |
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Dynamic logic :new trends and applications : third International Workshop, DaLi 2020, Prague, Czech Republic, October 9-10, 2020 : revised selected papers / |
Manuel A. Martins, Igor Sedlar. |
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Supercomputing :9th International Conference, ISUM 2018, Merida, Mexico, March 5-9, 2018 : revised selected papers / |
Moises Torres, Jaime Klapp, Isidoro Gitler, Andrei Tchernykh. |
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Website hosting and migration with Amazon Web Services:a practical guide to moving your website to AWS / |
Jason Nadon. |
2017 |
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