書名 | 作者 | 出版年 | 查看 | 回報錯誤連結 |
Geographic information systems:concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / |
Information Resources Management Association, Editor. |
2013 |
回報問題連結 |
Advanced geoinformation science |
Chaowei Yang ... [et al.]. |
2011 |
回報問題連結 |
Principles of modeling uncertainties in spatial data and spatial analyses |
Wenzhong Shi. |
2010 |
回報問題連結 |
Geographical information retrieval in textual corpora |
Christian Sallaberry. |
2013 |
回報問題連結 |
Geographic knowledge infrastructure :applications to territorial intelligence and smart cities / |
Robert Laurini. |
回報問題連結 |
Handbook of research on geographic information systems applications and advancements |
Sami Faiz and Khaoula Mahmoudi, editors. |
回報問題連結 |
Advances in GIScience:proceedings of the 12th AGILE conference / |
Monika Sester, Lars Bernard, Volker Paelke. |
2009 |
回報問題連結 |
Spatial database transfer standards 2:characteristics for assessing standards and full descriptions of the national and international standards in the world / |
the ICA Commission on Standards for the Transfer of Spatial Data ; editor, Harold Moellering ; associate editor, Richard Hogan. |
1997 |
回報問題連結 |
Geographic information science:third international conference, GIScience 2004, Adelphi, MD, USA, October 20-23, 2004 : proceedings / |
Max J. Egenhofer, Christian Freksa, Harvey J. Miller (eds.). |
2004 |
回報問題連結 |
Spatial information theory:foundations of geographic information science : international conference, COSIT 2003, Ittingen, Switzerland, September 2003 : proceedings / |
Werner Kuhn, Michael F. Worboys, Sabine Timpf (eds.) |
2003 |
回報問題連結 |
Spatial data types for database systems:finite resolution geometry for geographic information systems / |
Markus Schneider. |
1997 |
回報問題連結 |
Spatial information theory:a theoretical basis for GIS : international conference COSIT '97, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA, October 15-18, 1997 : proceedings / |
Stephen C. Hirtle. Andrew U. Frank (eds.). |
1997 |
回報問題連結 |
Spatial information theory:cognitive computational foundations of geographic information science : international conference COSIT '99, Stade, Germany, August 1999 : proceedings / |
Christian Freksa, David M. Mark, (eds.). |
1999 |
回報問題連結 |
On the way to component-based 3D/4D geoinformation systems |
Martin Breunig. |
2001 |
回報問題連結 |
Spatial information theory:foundations of geographic information science : international conference, COSIT 2001,Morro Bay, CA, USA, September 19-23, 2001 : proceedings / |
Daniel R. Montello (ed.). |
2001 |
回報問題連結 |
Geographic information science:second international conference, GIScience 2002, Boulder, CO, USA, September 25-28, 2002 : proceedings / |
Max J. Egenhofer, David M. Mark (eds.). |
2002 |
回報問題連結 |