書名 | 作者 | 出版年 | 查看 | 回報錯誤連結 |
Intelligent healthcare :infrastructure, algorithms and management / |
Chinmay Chakraborty, Mohammad R. Khosravi. |
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Artificial intelligence-based healthcare systems / |
Manju, Sandeep Kumar, Sardar M. N. Islam. |
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Artificial intelligence in healthcare industry / |
Jyotismita Talukdar, Thipendra P. Singh, Basanta Barman. |
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Interpretable cognitive internet of things for healthcare / |
Utku Kose, Deepak Gupta, Ashish Khanna, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues. |
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The global environmental effects during and beyond COVID-19 :intelligent computing solutions / |
Aboul Ella Hassanien, Ashraf Darwish, Benji Gyampoh, Alaa Tharwat Abdel-Monaim, Ahmed M. Anter. |
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Hybrid artificial intelligence and IoT in healthcare / |
Akash Kumar Bhoi, Pradeep Kumar Mallick, Mihir Narayana Mohanty, Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque. |
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IoT technologies for healthcare :7th EAI International Conference, HealthyIoT 2020, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, December 3, 2020 : proceedings / |
Rossitza Goleva, Nuno Ricardo da Cruz Garcia, Ivan Miguel Pires. |
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Intelligent Internet of Things for healthcare and industry / |
Uttam Ghosh, Chinmay Chakraborty, Lalit Garg, Gautam Srivastava. |
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Women securing the future with TIPPSS for connected healthcare :trust, identity, privacy, protection, safety, security / |
Florence D. Hudson. |
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Internet of things based smart healthcare :intelligent and secure solutions applying machine learning techniques / |
Suparna Biswas, Chandreyee Chowdhury, Biswaranjan Acharya, Chuan-Ming Liu. |
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Frontiers of ICT in Healthcare :proceedings of EAIT 2022 / |
Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Debashis De. |
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Smart healthcare analytics :state of the art / |
Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Ashlesha Vaidya, Suneeta Mohanty, Satarupa Mohanty, Ana Hol. |
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Data-driven approach for bio-medical and healthcare / |
Nilanjan Dey. |
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Internet of medical things :remote healthcare systems and applications / |
D. Jude Hemanth, J. Anitha, George A. Tsihrintzis. |
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The fusion of internet of things, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing in health care / |
Patrick Siarry, M. A. Jabbar, Rajanikanth Aluvalu, Ajith Abraham, Ana Madureira. |
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The fusion of internet of things, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing in health care / |
Patrick Siarry, M. A. Jabbar, Rajanikanth Aluvalu, Ajith Abraham, Ana Madureira. |
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Intelligent interactive multimedia systems for e-Healthcare applications / |
Amit Kumar Tyagi, Ajith Abraham, Arturas Kaklauskas. |
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Evolving role of AI and IoMT in the healthcare market / |
Fadi Al-Turjman, Manoj Kumar, Thompson Stephan, Akashdeep Bhardwaj. |
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Evolving role of AI and IoMT in the healthcare market / |
Fadi Al-Turjman, Manoj Kumar, Thompson Stephan, Akashdeep Bhardwaj. |
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IoT applications for healthcare systems / |
Rahul K. Kher, Chirag Paunwala, Falgun Thakkar, Heena Kher, Mita Paunwala, Prasan Kumar Sahoo, Larif Ladid. |
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IoT and big data technologies for health care :second EAI International Conference, IotCARE 2021, virtual event, October 18-19, 2021, proceedings. |
Shuihua Wang, Zheng Zhang, Yuan Xu. |
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IoT technologies for healthcare :9th EAI International Conference, HealthyIoT 2022, braga, portugal, november 16-18, 2022 : proceedings / |
Susanna Spinsante, Grazia Iadarola, Alessia Paglialonga, Federico Tramarin. |
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Pervasive healthcare :a compendium of critical factors for success / |
Mohammad Shahid Husain, Muhamad Hariz Bin Muhamad Adnan, Mohammad Zunnun Khan, Saurabh Shukla, Fahad U. Khan. |
回報問題連結 |
IoT technologies for health care :8th EAI International Conference, HealthyIoT 2021, virtual event, November 24-26, 2021 : proceedings / |
Susanna Spinsante, Bruno Silva, Rossitza Goleva. |
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Connected e-Health :integrated IoT and cloud computing / |
Sushruta Mishra, Alfonso Gonzalez-Briones, Akash Kumar Bhoi, Pradeep Kumar Mallick, Juan M. Corchado. |
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