書名 | 作者 | 出版年 | 查看 | 回報錯誤連結 |
A multinational telemedicine systems for disaster response:opportunities and challenges / |
Charles R. Doarn, Rifat Latifi, Filip Hostiuc, Raed Arafat and Claudiu Zoicas |
回報問題連結 |
Modern techniques for circular dichroism and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy |
Bonnie Ann Wallace and Robert William Janes. |
2009 |
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Informatics, management and technology in healthcare |
John Mantas and Arie Hasman. |
2013 |
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Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 21:NextMed/MMVR21 / |
James D. Westwood [and 7 others]. |
回報問題連結 |
pHealth 2014:proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, 11-13 June 2014, Vienna, Austria / |
Bernd Blobel, Medical Faculty, University of Regensburg, Germany, Chair, Scientific Program Committee, Stefan Sauermann, University of Applied Sciences Vienna (Technikum Wien), Austria, Co-Chair, Local Organizing Committee, and Alexander Mense, University of Applied Sciences Vienna (Technikum Wien), Austria, Co-Chair, Local Organizing Committee. |
2014 |
回報問題連結 |
Medicine meets virtual reality 15:in vivo, in vitro, in silico : designing the next in medicine / |
James D. Westwood ... [et al.]. |
2007 |
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Healthgrid research, innovation, and business case:proceedings of Health Grid 2009 / |
Tony Solomonides ... [et al.]. |
2009 |
回報問題連結 |
Current principles and practices of telemedicine and e-health |
Rifat Latifi. |
2008 |
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Nursing informatics 2020:towards defining our own future : proceedings of NI2006 Post Congress Conference / |
Peter J. Murray ... [et al.]. |
2007 |
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Biomedicine in the twentieth century:practices, policies, and politics / |
Caroline Hannaway, editor. |
2008 |
回報問題連結 |
Global health informatics education |
E.J.S. Hovenga, J. Mantas. |
2004 |
回報問題連結 |
Plasmonic biosensors:an integrated view of refractometric detection / |
Andreas B. Dahlin. |
2012 |
回報問題連結 |
From genes to personalized healthcare:grid solutions for the life sciences : proceedings of HealthGrid 2007 / |
Nicolas Jacq ... [et al.]. |
2007 |
回報問題連結 |
Medicine meets virtual reality 16:parallel, combinatorial, convergent: nextmed by design / |
James D. Westwood ... [et al.]. |
2008 |
回報問題連結 |
Medicine meets engineering:proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Applied Biomechanics, Regensburg / |
Joachim Hammer, Michael Nerlich and Sebastian Dendorfer. |
2008 |
回報問題連結 |
eHealth:combining health telematics, telemedicine, biomedical engineering and bioinformatics to the edge : global experts summit textbook / |
Bernd Blobel, Peter Pharow and Michael Nerlich. |
2008 |
回報問題連結 |
Medicine meets virtual reality 17:NextMed : design for/the well being / |
James D. Westwood ... [et al.]. |
2009 |
回報問題連結 |
Medical informatics in a united and healthy Europe:Proceedings of MIE 2009, the XXIInd International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics / |
Klaus-Peter Adlassnig ... [et al.]. |
2009 |
回報問題連結 |
Health informatics:an overview / |
Evelyn J.S. Hovenga ... [et. al.]. |
2010 |
回報問題連結 |
Basic engineering for medics and biologists:an ESEM primer / |
T. Clive Lee and Peter F. Niederer. |
2010 |
回報問題連結 |
Annual review of cybertherapy and telemedicine 2010:advanced technologies in the behavioral,social, and neurosciences / |
Brenda K. Wiederhold, Giuseppe Riva, and Sun I. Kim. |
2010 |
回報問題連結 |
Medical and care compunetics 6 |
Lodewijk Bos ... [et al.]. |
2010 |
回報問題連結 |
Global telehealth:selected papers from Global Telehealth 2010 (GT2010) : 15th International Conference of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth and 1st National Conference of the Australasian Telehealth Society / |
Anthony C. Smith and Anthony J. Maeder. |
2010 |
回報問題連結 |
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18:NextMed / |
James D. Westwood ... [et al.]. |
2011 |
回報問題連結 |